There are those who have said speaking in tongues is outdated, unnecessary, or only for the original church in Acts. Others say it is demonic. In this online Bible study, we let the Scripture answer these questions, helping you gain a better understanding of the subject from a truly Biblical perspective.
Learn about the difference between the “Gift of Tongues” and the evidence of tongues and how this common mistake often leads to wrong conclusions.
Learn what speaking in tongues means according to the Bible, as well as whether it is important to you in your Christian walk.
The Bible clearly states that tongues will cease, but does it tell us when? Did this experience end 2,000 years ago, or is it still available today?
Today: Once you register, you will be emailed a PDF copy of the student edition of the Bible study.
Within a few days: We will send you a Microsoft Teams* conference number that you can ask questions during the study.
March 17th: – Virtual Bible Study on Wednesday at 7 PM Central Time
*Microsoft Teams is like Zoom and is a commercial grade teleconferencing solution.
Gregory Riggen has been the pastor of The Truth Church since 1996. He graduated from Texas Bible College with a Bachelor of Theology. He has written several books covering topics from music to Biblical doctrine. He has also created Bible studies (including the one being used during this event) for personal and evangelistic purposes. Furthermore, he is the founder of A2Z Missions, a US-based missionary organization focused on bringing the gospel to the continent of Africa. You can learn more about him, his books and his life experience by following the link below.